getting started

Getting started with an asset investigation is as easy as filling out our form located here and talking to one of our investigators.

Once we've received your request an investigator will contact you to go over the details of how we will proceed with the investigation. In conducting an investigation, it is important to determine what your goal is. Your purpose in conducting the investigation will determine the type of information that you are looking for. As such, it determines where we are going to look for that information.

in-depth reporting

There are thousands of investigators and information brokers, willing to sell you searches for vehicles, real estate, bank accounts, etc. This is not what we would call an asset investigation. we consider it a huge waste of time and money unless you know exactly what you're doing.


A proper asset investigation involves working closely with a professional that knows what to do with the information that is uncovered, including how to proceed in recovering those assets and/or creating reports that can be used in a court of law.


We will gather information when you call or submit your case online, so that we can give as accurate a quote as possible.

no hidden

We will never proceed with any assignment or service without full authorization from you or your attorney.

free consultation

Call us anytime for a free consultation with an asset investigator: 800-573-6921